My expierence: Venice Film Festival and seeing Johnny Depp

hello and welcome back my lovelies!💫

I know i haven’t posted anything in a couple of days but i was reeeeally busy. Anyway…i’m here to tell you what i’ve done yesterday aka one of the best days of my life!! This post is going to be rather long, so i apologize for that. So, let’s get started.

Yesterday, 4th of September, i went to the Venice Film Festival with a friend of mine. I live rather close to Venice, one hour and half by train, so i’m really lucky that i can go there without spending loads and loads of money for plane tickets or hotel reservations. It was actually my second time going to the festival, bc i went there in 2012 to see Vanessa Hudgens, Selena Gomez and Ashley Benson, but that’s another story.

So, we had read online that on the 4th of September Johnny Depp was going to be in Venice for the premiere of his new film Black Mass so we HAD to go and trying to see him. I didn’t have high expectations of course, but it was really really really important to me as i’ll explain later 🙂

We arrived at the Lido, where the red carpet and the hotel and the conference rooms are around 11.50am and we went straight to the hotel. We didn’t know exactly where all the actors/actresses were but we thought that was a good place to wait…..we were only 6/7 people; me and my friend and then a couple of fans/journalists/photographers so it was really calm and controlled. We sat and waited for a while , some people arrived at the hotel but we didn’t know exactly who they were so we didn’t ask for autographs or anything (ooops).

After a while a boat/taxi arrived and a young woman came out, all the photographers started calling her (“juliette! juliette please!!”) and she posed for some photos. We didn’t recognize her at first, but then we understood that she was Juliette Binoche!! (If you don’t know her, she is the main actress in Chocolat, the 2000 movie in which her costar was……Johnny Depp!!). Aaaaanyway, we started calling her and she came there to take some selfie and she was absolutly adorable and really kind, she kept smiling all the time. She is such a beautiful woman i swear. [in the pictures is the one with the black hat!]

Then, after we heard that Johnny Depp was in the conference room from 1pm to 2pm (kinda) we decided to go for a lunch break and come back later. Around 2,30 pm we were going back to the hotel but we tried a differend road and we ended up next to the conference room. There were toooons of people there so we decided to stay and look who they were waiting for. (THAT WAS THE BEST DECISION OF MY LIFE OMG)

After a while, Dakota Johnson (YES, ANASTASIA IN 50 SHADES OF GRAY), came out and i swear she was soooo pretty! We werent’s really close to her, but we saw her! She was wearing a beautiful black dress and smiling at everyone, she was really really stunning. We waited even more and guess who came out after  her?…………………….Johnny Depp. I’m not going to talk about him now but i’m going to explain everything at the end bc i have to tell you all some things about him.

When we saw he was going back to the boat, we tought he was going back to the hotel SO WE LITERALLY RAN STRAIGHT FOR 2 KM TO GET TO THE HOTEL. We almost died BUT we arrived there and we were first row!!!! They had put a lots of barries so we stood there waiting.

We stood there for 4 hours???????!!!!????Around 5pm a lot more people arrived so we were crushed on the barries and it became kinda of uncomfortable.

BAD NEWS: we didn’t saw Johnny bc probably he felt sick and he stayed in his hotel room until the red carpet 😦

GOOD NEWS: We saw lots of other celebs! Like the movie director, some italian personalities (like PIF), and Hailee Steinfeld! She was absolutly adorable!!!! She was so so sweet and really pretty, i couldn’t stop thinking “awwww” when she was in front of me. I really just wanted to hug her really tight and never let her go. She kept thanking us and she has been really kind. (If you don’t know sho she is, she is the one in the lilac jumper in the pics!). Soon before the red carpet started, we saw Dakota again! She a wonderful dress on but she couldn’t stop 😦 She smiled at us and waved when she was getting in the car so my friend has a video of her but pictures were impossible to take ahah

After that we had to leave bc we were late for out pullman and then ferry and then train :’) (yes, we are always late ehm),so we REALLY had to run ahah

The other pic i posted should be Johnny, but i know you can’t see anything apart for a little piece of his jacket. (He is the one with the green jacket and the beige trousers). I know. I wasn’t close to him and i didn’t meet him, but this is enough to me. I FUCKING SAW HIM OK? Just a second but is was enought for me.

Johnny is literally one of the most important people in my life. I’ve started watching hs movie when i saw 7 (Charlie and The Chocolat Factory was the first one) and even though i didn’t really liked him at first, when i found out how he was capable of turning and recreating himset to adjust to every single character i completely fell in love with him. I started watching every single one of his movies and studying his roles. I owe him SO much bc he is the one who made me love cinema so much. Cinema is my biggest passion in life, it brings me so much joy and happiness and it’s something that inspire me every day. I learned the story of cinema, how it was created…i learned what it takes to create a movie and that there is so much more then the plot or the actors. I owe Johnny the biggest passion in my life and i’ll always be grateful to him. I love lots of stars, but Johnny’s poster is the only one i have in my room bc it means so much to me. My childhood dream was to see him and i finally realised it yesterday. Oh gosh, just thinking about how important it was for me makes me cry. I’m so happy, so so happy.

Yesterday really was one of the happiest day of my life, i’ll never forget it.

With love, Sara 🌹 🙂

my instagram  ; snapchat: brighteyes_sara

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